If you have a busy lifestyle which includes a lot of travelling or time away from home, it can be challenging to eat healthily on the go.
The temptation of quick and easy on-the-go food options doesn’t have to mean your nutrition and goals will be compromised. More than ever, there’s a huge range of healthy options out there and some quick and easy things you can do to stay on track.We’ve put together our top tips for eating healthily on the go:
Usually, you’ll have some advance notice of when you’ll be away from home and some simple forward planning can help keep you focussed. For example, if you’ve got an early train to catch and won’t have time for breakfast at home, prepare some overnight oats the night before. These are packed with healthy nutrients and able to be stored in tupperware, meaning you can quickly grab them out of the fridge in the morning and still be able to eat a nutritious breakfast.The same goes for lunch too, doing some meal prep the night before and taking a cool bag with you means you don’t have to worry about grabbing anything on the go.
The times between meals when you’re out and about may seem the biggest challenge but it doesn’t need to be. A top piece of advice is to protein pair your snacks, ensuring that any carbohydrate you’re consuming has some protein to go with it. So if you’ve packed a piece of fruit in your bag, complement that with a handful of nuts or perhaps some Greek yoghurt. Taking this approach can minimise blood sugar spikes between meals and give you a great balance of different nutrients.
We appreciate that meal prep isn’t always possible and you may need to quickly grab something on the go while you’re out and about. There’s a range of healthy options out there and the foundation of any great meal is a lean protein such as chicken, turkey, steak, fish or tofu, accompanied by a leafy salad or complexed carbohydrate such as brown rice or sweet potato.Many high-street cafes and supermarkets will have these options, making it easier than ever to get what you need on the go. Where possible, try to avoid processed foods and find natural, healthy options which will fuel your body well and keep you full.
This is without doubt the easiest tip on the list! Drinking water comes with a huge range of health benefits and is a key part of any healthy lifestyle. Make sure you pack a reusable water bottle with you while you’re on the go to ensure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Not putting too much pressure on yourself is the most important bit of advice we can give. There’s no need to feel disheartened if things don’t go to plan. There may be reasons out of your control that you weren’t able to get your meal prep done, a quick dash between appointments that didn’t allow you to eat what you wanted or simply, a challenging day where you just fancied a bit of a treat! One or two bad meals aren’t going to derail all your hard work – we all have off days and the most important part is to take back control and see the next day as a chance to start afresh.